REALTOR® Membership
An individual must have an active Indiana Real Estate License that is assigned to a Managing Broker before applying for REALTOR® membership. After the license is assigned, please contact the Board Office to request the New Member documents and schedule a New Member Intake appointment or complete the application below and we will contact you.
ECBOR: (574) 875-3283
*Note: The New Member Intake appointment will take approx 60 – 90 minutes and is currently held via Zoom.
- Complete ECBOR Membership Application
- Key Lease Agreement (optional)
- MLS Agent Subscriber Agreement FAQ
Membership costs include REALTOR® dues (pro-rated monthly); Local & State New Member application and MLS start-up fees. Membership fees are due prior to membership activation.
Click Here for the fee structure.
New REALTOR® Member Orientation
New REALTOR® applicants must complete NAR’s New Member Code of Ethics Course within 30 days of their New Member Intake appointment. The course is offered online at no charge.
New Members must register at NAR.REALTOR before taking the NAR Code of Ethics course.
*please note; these links are for New REALTOR® members only. Existing REALTOR® members must use the link provided on our Education page.
New MLS Participants and Subscribers must also complete 3 Paragon Academy courses within 30 days of the New Member Intake appointment. Access Credentials will be provided during the New Member Appointment.
AFFILIATE Membership
Affiliate Membership is available to any individual(s) who does work in the real estate industry, local community or government agency. Access to the membership packet is available through the link below. Membership fees for Affiliates are as follows:
- $125.00 application fee
- $250.00 annual dues primary membership (pro-rated based on join date)
- $150.00 annual dues – additional members of the same company or if a member of another Indiana Association.
Affiliates who need access to listed properties may also apply for key service/access. This will require additional paperwork, Liability Insurance and fees. Contact the board office for more details.
- Affiliate Membership Application
- Affiliate Key Service Application
- Key Lease Agreement
- Hold Harmless Agreement

NAR Member Benefits can be found at NAR.REALTOR/Membership
MLS Office Membership
A Managing Broker, who holds REALTOR® membership, may apply for membership in the MLS. Qualifying Brokers must complete an Office application along with additional paperwork as required. Please complete the application and return to
Lock Box Service
- eKEY PROFESSIONAL – Smart Phone App with MLS search and Home Tour
- Key Service Annual fee $282.17
- $50 Admin Fee for new accounts
- Service fee is prorated when joining
Contact ECBOR Staff
Julie Alert
Association Executive
57225 Alpha Drive
Goshen, Indiana 46528
Kathy Bradley
MLS & Billing Coordinator
57225 Alpha Drive
Goshen, Indiana 46528
Tonya Skeels
Membership & Events Coordinator
57225 Alpha Drive
Goshen, Indiana 46528